The Lung
Claude Larre and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée
The book begins with a description of the lung’s affinity with Autumn (Neijing Suwen chapter 2) and goes on to explore its relationship with the metal element (Neijing Suwen chapter 5), showing the movement of condensation and concentration through its association with the west, dryness, acrid and so on, right up to the diffusion of qi and fluids at the level of skin and body hair.
The lung’s mastery of qi is discussed fully with particular reference to the sea of qi in the chest, and to ancestral (zong), nutritive (ying) and defensive (wei) qi. Its roles as ‘minister and chancellor’, ‘canopy’, as a leader, and as a judge – as well as its association with the po – are also presented,
An appendix summarizes the lung’s functions and pathology, and an index is given for all Chinese characters and main concepts.
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